Credit Information To Qualify For Lender Financing
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the Fort Worth, Texas Area
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We are Real Estate Direct. We Arrange Financing With Licensed Lenders.
We Specialize in FHA, and VA Loans with First Time Buyer Programs.
You Will Deal Directly With the Owners of the Company
You are not required to have established credit. You are only required to have a stable source of income and show a history of paying your bills on time. A past bankruptcy or past credit problems does not necessarily rule you out from purchasing a home utilizing one of these government programs.
Although you are not required to have a credit score to qualify for a loan, if you have established a credit history, and do have a credit score, it must be at least a 620. This score is determined by looking at your credit reports from all three reporting agencies and counting the middle score of the three.
If you have credit problems, we do not suggest you pay a credit repair company to improve your score. They will usually just take your money, and make no long term improvement, if any improvement at all, to your credit score. Debt Consolidation and Credit Couseling firms are generally even worse. In many cases they actually even lower your credit scores.
For a small application fee, we will pull your credit reports and provide you with a suggested plan that will most likely improve your scores. We will tell you what to do to make the biggest improvement in your scores, and let you know up front what score improvement to expect on each report. You take the suggested actions on your own, directly with your creditors. We have assisted many individuals with this service, and every one of them that followed the suggested plan obtained financing for their home. We are not a credit repair agency, and we do not engage in gimmicks to improve your credit score; however, many times there are simple things you can do to make substantial improvements in your credit scores. The challenge is to know exactly what to do, and what improvements can be expected. Surprisingly enough, paying off an old bad debt can actually lower your score. If you would like to discuss this possibility with us feel free to call us personally at 817-238-0000.
If you would like to order your credit reports directly from each of the credit bureaus, you will find the contact information below
- Equifax, PO Box 105495, Atlanta, GA 30348
- Trans Union, PO Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
- Experian, PO Box 2104, Allen, TX 75013
If you apply for a home loan with Alan B. Cash - Real Estate Direct, it will appear as an inquiry by our sister company, which processes our applications, that company is LAA & Associates.